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How to store PVDF safely.

How to store PVDF safely.

Update Time:2024/8/22
How to store PVDF safely.
1.Temperature Control:

Ideal Temperature Range: PVDF should be processed under 260℃,to avoid producing toxic gases.
Avoid Extremes: Keep PVDF away from extreme temperatures, both hot and cold, to prevent degradation or changes in its properties.

2.Humidity Control:

Dry Environment: PVDF should be stored in a low-humidity environment. Moisture can affect its performance, particularly if it is in powder form.
Sealed Containers: For PVDF powder, use airtight, moisture-proof containers to prevent exposure to humidity.

3.UV and Light Protection:

Avoid Direct Sunlight: Store PVDF away from direct sunlight and UV light, as prolonged exposure can cause discoloration or degradation.
Opaque Containers: Use opaque or UV-blocking containers if possible.


Proper Ventilation: Ensure the storage area is well-ventilated, especially if PVDF is stored in large quantities, to prevent the accumulation of any fumes that might be emitted.


Separate Storage for Forms: Store PVDF powder and solid forms separately, as per your company's practice, to avoid cross-contamination and manage risks associated with the different handling requirements.
Chemical Compatibility: Store PVDF away from incompatible materials, such as strong acids, bases, or solvents that might react with or degrade the polymer.

6.Handling Precautions:

Avoid Contamination: Ensure that PVDF is kept in clean, contamination-free environments, and handle it with clean gloves to prevent introducing impurities.
Use Proper Equipment: Use appropriate tools and equipment when handling PVDF to maintain its purity and prevent any damage to the material.

7.Labeling and Documentation:

Clearly Label Containers: Ensure that all containers of PVDF are clearly labeled with the product name, batch number, and date of storage.
Maintain Records: Keep detailed records of storage conditions, including temperature and humidity logs, to ensure compliance with best practices and facilitate traceability.

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